Projector Cost
The price of projectors can be well over $200. Buying one will obviously be a big decision to make if you are on a tight budget.
You can get an inexpensive model
You can find some art supply stores that sell projectors.
However, if you can't find one that sells them, or live to far away from an art supply store, you can find some good deals on the Internet.
Unless your immediately planning on making money with your art, I wouldn't go out and buy one right at first.
Practice using the grid method first, using large magazine photos.
Then, when you get better, you can start drawing things from smaller photos donated by friends and family (free of charge of course).
It's when you start using the smaller photos as your reference that you'll need to think about purchasing an art projector.
Later, as word gets around as to what a brilliant artist you are, you'll be able to offset the price of that projector by getting payed for your work.
There are, of course, many other types and brands that you should check-out before committing to a purchase.
Along with the cost of the projector there are other expenses that you may want to consider.
There are two types of projector bulbs you can choose from:
The regular 250W bulbs will last longer, and the “Photo” bulb will give you truer color.
Both types of bulbs are around $4-$6. The color issue wont be a big factor if all your doing is creating an outline.
There are less expensive art projectors that you can buy, but the quality of the image might be disappointing (don't say I didn't warn you).
Please make sure you buy a projector from a company that you trust. Check out there return policy, and do a little on-line research on the company to make sure they have good reviews from other customers.
On some models you have the option of upgrading to a better lens. According to the specifications given the lens upgrade will make the image sharper and clearer.
I saw one for about $125. You can buy a projector complete with the better lens already included. The price of projectors
with the lens included will of course be higher
(about $100 more).
This extra expense again will be up to you. I have used my art projector without the upgrade for several years. Someday I may get myself one just to see what I've been missing, if anything.
So if the price of projectors doesn't frighten you too much, do some research to find the best deal from the best company. Decide what your needs are, and buy the one that will give you the results you desire.
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