How to Draw Faces
You will learn how to draw faces by using a grid to create an accurate outline.
After completing the outline you will then focus on the real work of putting in the details by blending in the shadows.
Most art schools will teach you how to draw a face by "mapping" it using generic measurements based on the relationship between the nose, mouth, ears and eyes.
This information should be learned and practiced by all portrait artists. Don't forget however, that the end result will produce a generic face, looking more like a store mannequin than a real person.
A face is one of the first things an infant recognizes. In fact, studies have shown that babies are "hardwired" to prefer the image of a face over any other image.
So it's no wonder that even though nearly every face contains the same parts... two eyes, a nose, a mouth and two ears...we can still recognize a friend's face in a crown of strangers.
Because of the brain's amazing ability to recognize the tiny differences between faces, it's easy to understand why learning how to draw faces is such a challenge for an artist. One slight mistake makes the likeness seem "off" somehow. You may not be able to pick out the mistake, but your brain just knows.
If you haven't already done so go to the creating an outline page, then come back here.
Here are the topics that will be covered on how to draw portraits...
P. S. Some of the links below have not been created yet, but they soon will be.
Go to the pages above and follow the lessons.
Work on them several times, and please, please, please don't get discouraged and just give up. It will take time for your brain to learn the new skills.
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